Wednesday, March 17, 2010


One day a couple weeks ago, we told Schane to meet us at a park for lunch and we had a picnic. It was a little colder than it had been earlier that week, but that didn't stop us from having fun. Schane, spoiled office worker that he is, kept saying brrr - it's freezing out here! Made me laugh, b/c it wasn't even that cold!


tnt71206 said...

We love the park too :) We try to get daddy to come meet us there whenever we can! We're definitely enjoying the great weather... being able to let the kids out is great! Congrats on baby number three! That's awesome!

Sue said...

That's the best - a lunch park outing with dad to break. I have to agree with Schane, it looks cold. Next time bring some gloves and a hat for him. Your kids would probably run around without coats and not even notice as long as they are with dad.
Love you!

Sue said...

3 missing words to previous comment - after break "up the day."