Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tyler sayings

We rented "Ice Castles" while Schane was out of town for a couple days. I don't know what the official movie critics said, but here is Tyler's recommendation: "Mom, that is the best movie ever made!"

The other funny thing is that yesterday, out of nowhere, Tyler started talking about his "special powers". We went out with a real estate agent for a couple hours, and on the last place, she told Tyler he had done so good. His response: "Yah, that's 'cuz I have so many many powers!"


Lindsey said...

how fun! I miss seeing you and your kids. I can't go knock on your old door any time I want to anymore! Luckily, I am friends with the new family that moved in! Hope that things are going better for your pregnancy!

Brian said...

I guess I need to go see 'ice castles' so that I too can have so many powers

Sue said...

I can picture Tyler's sincere and expressive face as he says these funny things. Has Tyler shared his best movie ever with dad? I think Tyler needs a super cape.

Cierra said...

haha! that is so funny :-)

Jessica said...

I know I've read this before, but I checked your blog and laughed all over again. I LOVE hearing what the kids say. So sweet, innocent and eager.