Friday, June 18, 2010

First fishing trip

We got the kids some poles and went fishing a couple weeks ago. They were very patient waiting for Dad to set up their poles. It was a windy day, and we didn't have much luck, though Schane almost got one (it slipped off when he got it out of the water).


Linsi said...

I love the sunglasses picture. Too bad Schane's fish got away. Bryce and Kevin like to stick the poles in but have never caught anything either. We are going tomorrow, hopefully we'll have some luck.

Sue said...

Just chillin by the lake. Looks ideal! Who cares if there aren't fish to take home.

Jessica said...

Looks Fun! We haven't taken the kids fishing or camping yet as a family... it is on the todo list, we just don't have the "props" (gear).