Saturday, June 5, 2010

Photo shoot

It's been more than a year since I had portraits done of my kids, and since we no longer live by a JCPenney's, I thought I'd give it a whirl. Note to self: don't choose bright windy day. Anyways, I think we'll give it another try next week (though there are some pretty good ones - just not what I wanted). The first and last ones are my favorites!!!


Cheri and David said...

They are SO cute! (the kids and the photos) Good job!

Julia Barker said...

I love these!! also i really like kelsie's headband... even if its pink haha

Jessica said...

so cute! if they are anything like my kids, they WON'T look at the camera, no matter the bribery- and if they smile it is the smile with the turned down corners- so cute anyways.

Sue said...

Much better than JC Penneys! BEAUTIFUL!