Monday, January 19, 2009

Uncle Brian

I know this isn't a picture of Brian, but it was such a goofy little smile, I had to throw it in. Schane was playing with the "smile detector" on our camera.

Brian reminded me what was going on in the following pictures. We gave Brian a fart machine with a remote controll for Christmas (very mature, I know). Anyhow, somebody stuck it behind the couch cushion while they were playing games. Tyler kept looking at Brian so strangely - like "I can't believe you keep passing gas - have more control!" Pretty funny.

Brian was worried about her chewing on this card, but I told him I thought it'd be fine as long as we kept an eye on things. She really went at it!

1 comment:

Brian said...

you forgot to include the story as to why Tyler was giving me such a disbelieving look: someone had placed the electronic whoopee cushion under a couch cushion and started pushing the button... Tyler knew it wasn't him so he started giving me that look as it sounded like I was just letting loose for five minutes or so.