Monday, May 10, 2010

Trip to Colorado

Such a nice trip...wish I had remembered my camera...

Mom and Julia and Tyler and Kelsie and I went to the zoo on Tuesday - we had a great time!!! Most of the time we just hung out. It was nice to spend time with the family. Tyler and Kelsie only take about 10 minutes to warm up--then they get right down to making themselves at home. We also got to visit with my grandparents, though sometimes I feel bad for how loud and active my kids can be--like I'm going to traumatize my grandparents or something.

I also was able to have a doctors appointment with an OBGYN in my parents' ward. The ultrasound said . . . A BOY!!! It also turned up something called placenta previa, which complicates things a little. In reading online, 90% of the time it goes away by 30 weeks. IF, however, it is still there when it's time for baby boy to come, I will have to have a C-section. I'm working on not freaking out (we don't get on insurance until the beginning of August). So far, however, I feel like I'm walking around with an anvil on my chest or something. I just have to constantly remind myself it will be alright--I need to trust in the Lord.


Cheri and David said...

It'll be okay-- another one of my friends had placenta previa and she just went in for another ultrasound and it fixed itself within a month (she's due in Aug.). So here are so good VIBES for you!!

Linsi said...

Congrats about the boy news! He and Tyler will be about the same age distance as my two boys. It’ll be fun for them! I think it’s really fun that all three of your kids are close in age, too.
I'm sorry about the placenta previa. It sounds like the odds are with you and hopefully it will go away on it’s own. But it’s not fun having to worry about it. We're sending good vibes your way, too :)

Kim said...

Congratulations!! You are going in the same pattern as us...boy, girl, boy. It is a good pattern so far! We'll keep your fingers crossed that the placenta previa will go away for you.