Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Labor & Delivery Story (feel free to skip)

So when I went in for my doctor apt on Tuesday (the day before I was due), she checked and I was only dilated to a one. However, both the ultrasounds in the last month showed that my fluid was kinda low and that the baby might be behind on growth (predicted to weigh 6 something pounds). Dr. Cruz was just worried that if he wasn't growing, the baby might be better off out of me. I had no complaints... I was ready to be done being pregnant! So we went into the hospital Tues night to get me ready for induction (start me on Pitocin) on Wed morning. This is the EXACT same thing that we had to do with Tyler (only he was a week overdue).

They gave me a medicine (cervidal or something like that) overnight for 12 hours. With Tyler, just that started consistent contractions which dilated me from .5 to a 3. No such luck this time. In 12 hours I didn't dilate at all.

They started me on PIT at about 8:30. After checking me (I was dilated to a whopping 2), they increased the PIT by a little at about 10. Schane and I kept playing our card game. At about 11 I mentioned to the nurse that if the contractions started coming much closer together, I wouldn't mind my epidural. The epidural guy came about 45 minutes later, which was good, because the contractions were getting painful.

What none of us counted on was the epidural NOT WORKING. But they wanted to wait a little because sometimes it takes longer to kick in. I kept telling them it wasn't kicking in AT ALL. Finally, I sent Schane to see why the epidural guy wasn't trying again (like he said he would).

While everyone was out of the room (about 1 pm), I felt a KLUNK (and heard it on the monitor). I figure baby must have twisted his shoulders or something, because then the contractions were HARD. The second cathiter got put in, but it takes like 10-15 minutes for an epidural to kick in.

That whole time I was feeling like I should probably push, but was too scared to try it until my meds kicked in. I told the nurse to get ready because things would happen pretty quick. She checked and they called Dr. Cruz in a hurry. Everything was all ready and just waiting on the epidural to take effect... which it did. I pushed through 3 or 4 contractions (10 minutes), and out came the BIG baby. Born at 1:28 pm, weighing 8 pounds 10.7 ounces and measuring 22 inches long.

Overall, my worst experience yet... but that just goes hand in hand with the whole pregnancy. I'm much slower recovering this time... must be getting old or something =). I stayed in the hospital as long as I could, and they took really good care of me. This is the first time I needed something stronger that Tylenol or IBProfin to handle the pain.

*****PROPS to all those women who do it natural... I don't know how you manage. Next time I won't even feel bad ordering my meds at a 2.*******


Kristalyn said...

I'm so sorry that the epidural didn't work. That's like my worst fear, but I'm glad they got it to work for the pushing! I feel the same way about natural birth...why go through so much unnecessary pain? I hope you start to feel better soon and congratulations on another beautiful baby!

Sarah said...

good work mama!! i'm so with you on the epidural thing... it's a lifesaver!

congrats on your cute little boy. i love his coloring! and i can't believe you have three kids now!!! you go girl!

Megan Miley and Chris said...

He is so so so cute!!! I love his little nose.

Jessica said...

So sorry that the epidural didn't work either!!! YIKES! I'm glad you are both healthy and feel for you in the recovery department. :( Sorry!
When I really think about it I wonder if I really want any more.... j/k I should clarify I do want more kids- but could I just skip the pregnancy and labor???
Way to go Woman! Congrats on being a mother of three!!!
And Jeremy is ADORABLE! Was the Dr. suprised by his size??? Good thing you didn't wait any longer I guess. Way to be tough.

KCJensen said...

Ah, Carolyn. I think you rock! So happy to hear about Jeremy's safe arrival; I wish you well with your recovery from pregnancy, labor, delivery, and two older (and still very young) siblings. Good luck to the 5 of you!