I was so sure this baby was going to be late: shows what I know. I noticed the first contraction (of the pregnancy) Tues morning when I woke up. I didn't know whether or not this was real labor or false - so I didn't want to tell Schane to stay home from work - he finally made the decision himself and came home at about 9:30 am - good thing. We headed up to the hospital around 11 am. Schane says everything I said was in command form: "I'm in labor - I want an epidural - check me and get me an epidural - etc". I was dilated to a 6 and just barely got the epidural. 10 minutes after the drugs kicked in, I asked the nurse to check me again, and she said I was ready to start pushing. 45 minutes later, at 1:01 pm, baby was born. Her stats (put together by Schane) are below.
Name: Kelsie Victoria Wiles
Birthday: June 10, 2008
Weight: 9 lbs 2 oz
Height: 19"
Hair: Lots
Eyes: Dark
Skin: Red
Occupation: Sleep, poop, eat