Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Kelsie is such a GIRL. She gets excited about clothes: new clothes, old clothes, especially dresses. She is obsessed with shoes. Now, Tyler always liked our shoes, but Kelsie loves her own shoes. They all come out into the livingroom almost everyday: tennis shoes, church shoes, and crocks.

She calls me Mam and Schane Dada.
She says hi-ii in this sing-song voice.

Kelsie has decided that she is a big girl now. She wants her own chair at church. She doesn't want help (or interference) in the library. She can climb up the steps and go down the slide at the park. She WISHES she could ride Tyler's bike and is always climbing up on it. She folds her arms. And do NOT try to put her in a high-chair at Grandma Wiles' house - she will sit on a stool like the big kids - thank you very much!!!

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